informed decisions

Advice from moms, vetted by specialists

The babybubble app collects advice for new parents from its international community of mothers. Our expert panel reviews the advice before it is published.

We want to help you make informed decisions
  • Your OWN decisions based on your beliefs – with the help of curated insights by mothers who came before you.
  • We want to give you access to the same science as the physicians giving you advice have. 
  • We want you to know about global recommendations by the WHO as well as how regional recommendations can vary and why. 
  • We want you to be able to know what mothers around the world do in situations you will find yourself in. 
  • We believe that mothers around the world deserve more transparent advice. In our quest for more transparency, we collect advice from mothers around the world. The wider the selection, the more unbiased the information will be. We ask our expert panel to review everything before it’s published – so the advice you read in the app is safe to try.
Information overload

One of the biggest problems we faced as expectant and new mothers was that there was too much information to digest. On top of the amount, the information was spread out, unvetted and unorganized. It was easy to miss important advice already out there.

This is why we hope you will find babybubble to be a light app – offering bite sized pieces of information. 

Advice for expecting and new parents

Find babybubble on the App Store and Google Play Store to read more about what is often underestimated or missed related to pregnancy, babies and motherhood. We are a community of mothers collecting advice we wish someone had told us.

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