
Made by all of us together

We are mom-sourced. And we invite you to co-create babybubble together with us. The more moms who share advice, the better knowledge we can provide.

Without you, we have less learnings and fewer perspectives. Please share your best insights on pregnancy and motherhood here.

For every mother or mother-to-be that contributes with advice that was invaluable to her, we improve.

Humble opinions

We don’t believe that we have all the knowledge – and we don’t believe anyone else does either.

This is why the only way to create the app we believe all mothers deserve, is to invite everyone to take part in building it.

This community is built on the sharing and exchange of lessons learnt, experiences and advice from one mom to another. We believe all who struggle to conceive, are going through pregnancy, are new or experienced mothers, have experiences that could potentially mean the world to someone else. 

Crowdsourced by mothers

Crowdsourcing is the practice of engaging a crowd or group for a common goal – for innovation, problem solving, or efficiency. 

In other words; crowdsourcing means that a crowd sources information. In our case, our crowd – our community – consists of mothers who are helping one another through our platform.

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